Friday, November 25, 2011

nine things: ndp

taking a cue from miss moss ( and noelle hilario's 'what's in your beach bag?' (, i decided to do my own "things i like right now" section for my friends. It's also one way of getting to know more about my friends too! 

First, here are my 9 current obsessions :)

  1. Since my friend Mia brought up the topic about a euro trip next year, I've been (trying to) save for it! So far, so NOT good, but hey. It's a goal worth keeping!
  2. I've been wanting to get new ink for the longest time, and right now it's leaning towards getting alibata (the traditional Filipino writing system). Pinoy pride!
  3. Those round aviator-esque sunnies are awesome.
  4. I want to get a faux-fro. An afro perm if you may.
  5. I want (need!) the perfect pair of leopard print ballet flats!
  6. Since I'm in the process of re-vamping my personal space, I thought of getting a eucalyptus plant to make the place nicer and also for more oxygen & less mosquitoes! Now, the goal is to not let it die.
  7. berry (straw or rasp) trifles! easy peasy and so yummy!
  8. The ultimate logging goal: the hang ten.
  9. This may not be a current but a forever obsession, but just feeling the sun on my face is magic. :)


will be posting my friends' nine things next! 


  1. Nikki! My friend's brand sells animal print ballet flats!!/media/set/?set=a.247645078588040.69306.247620038590544&type=1 And they're comfy (: I have a pair of red ballet flats from the same brand.

  2. I think you'll have a bit of a prob with the Eucalyptus.. here in the PR they usually grow to be tree-sized. :/ Nonetheless, there are other plants that can repel mosquitoes, or you can always buy the dried eucalyptus and keep it for a month or two. :)

  3. thanks for the advice abby! :) but apparently the one i got the indoor small type. hopefully it doesn't grow so much. haha

  4. awww... (my #5 had gold trim and riboon. did i mention it was velvet and matched EVERYTHING?) miss my perfect pair--it withered and died from overuse and abuse. sucks that i cannot find another pair. her name was lola. i buried her last year.

  5. tars! leopard flats are magic!!!! condolence kay lola. hahaha
