When Buji told me that we were going to see Train in concert, I was not that excited. I mean, yeah sure, I listen to them a lot but it wasn't like I was dying to see them live. On the way to Araneta, I was even counting in my head how many Train songs I knew. I counted about five.
We get to Araneta, had some Taco Bell and shoved a few buttered bread buns in our mouths since we weren't allowed to bring food in. I was still blah about it... found our seats, settled down... then Train came out and started to perform.
early presents from our friend Jing! |
Wow. At that moment, I suddenly remembered what a huge HUGE fan of Train I was. I am! Back in highschool, Drops of Jupiter was THE song. It was our song! My best friends and I would sing our hearts out and sing along especially the part where Pat Monahan would belt out "and did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of daaaaaaayyyy..." And man, i forgot what awesome voice he had.
I found myself singing along to their first song. And then their second song. And the third one. I didn't realize I knew almost all of their songs. The lyrics I used to sing along to back in highschool were still in my memory. The words just came out of my mouth as he sang. Memories of fun and crazy times with my best friends came flooding back. And I missed them! Back when we were in our teens, we would fantasize about going to concerts together. "Someday when we have work and we have money we can buy tickets to watch all the concerts we want."
I really wished they were beside me that time too, besides these crazy cats.
And listening to the songs, I mean really listening to the words in their songs, I realized how truly beautiful their music is -- really telling a story.
Dear Train, I'm sorry I forgot that I was a fan. I promise never to do that again. Love, Nikki.
- from one of my favorite Train songs: Get To Me -
" Go in hitch a ride on the back of a butterly, there's no better way to fly, to get to me. I look around what I got, without you it ain't a lot. I got everything, with you everything."